Clinical Abstracts

Management “Tip of the week” Clients and cost
It is important for staff to have the right perspective about veterinary charges and appreciate that clients choose to have...

Management “Tip of the week” Assessing value
Like beauty value is in the eye of the beholder, therefore as businesses we have to assess our client base...

Dealing with difficult staff
Dealing with a difficult staff member will always be one of the headaches for a practice manager, partly because there...

Management ‘Tip of the week” Motivation comes from the top
Motivation comes from the top. No matter how hard you try to motivate your staff, you will struggle to succeed...

Management “Tip of the week” Hold exit interviews
Staff come and staff go. We usually know why they come but why they go can sometimes be more problematical....

Help receptionists to ask for money
Talk to any group of veterinary receptionists and you can guarantee that at least one will admit to feeling uncomfortable...

Management ‘tip of the week’ Find out what your clients really want
Do not assume that all clients are passionate about their pets and their care. Find out why an owner has...