Clinical Abstracts

Management “Tip of the week” Maintain team morale

Maintaining team morale is easy when everything is going well, but it’s a different matter when things start to go...

Maggie Shilcock

Good Value

There are three key elements to providing good value: 1. Practice service standards All the practice staff need standards to...

Maggie Shilcock

Management “Tip of the week” Keep an open mind

Clients are people with their own problems, worries and deadlines. They usually do not have your knowledge or expertise, so...

Maggie Shilcock

Effective meetings

 Meetings are still an important form of communication, in this increasingly IT dependant world. There are times when no other...

Maggie Shilcock
RSA update - No changes to policies

Management “Tip of the week” – Try to see the other person’s point of view

You may not always agree with the client’s standpoint or actions, but you have to try to understand their actions...

Maggie Shilcock
FVE welcomes agreement on Animal Health Law

Management ‘Tip of the week” Listen to your clients

One of the very best ways to show that you are trying to understand your client is to absorb what...

Maggie Shilcock

Management “Tip of the week” Holding meetings

The most important question to ask before holding a meeting is, “Is this meeting really necessary?'' Always question whether a...

Maggie Shilcock