Clinical Abstracts

To Brexit or not to Brexit: How would Brexit affect legislation on veterinary medicines?
Much of the UK veterinary medicines legislation is based on EU rules. The European Commission has recently put forward draft...

Scientists identify key signs of cat pain
Most cat owners know their feline’s basic personality, so are good at spotting when something is wrong. But understanding what...

Rise in adverse reaction reports
Veterinary surgeons are being urged to observe all safety warnings on veterinary medicines as the VMD announce a huge rise...

RVC publish guidelines for the treatment of dogs with epilepsy
Comprehensive guidelines for treating and looking after dogs with epilepsy have been published by the RVC in conjunction with the...

Your top asset
In 1984 when Clive Swainsbury and I first bought the tiny two person cottage practice in Epping, we were far...

Vets and medics team up for rare c-section
The birth of a baby gorilla has seen vets join forces with NHS doctors to perform an emergency caesarian section,...

Taking the fear out of change
For most of us the status quo makes us feel at our most comfortable. Change for some is exciting and...