Clinical Abstracts

The prickly issue of the hedgehog cafe
The craze for animal-themed cafes in the UK has been growing ever since the launch of Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium...

Should we limit greyhound breeding?
Around 9,000 racing greyhounds are retired in the UK each year, but only 5,300 find new homes through charities. For...

Canine epilepsy drug adverse effects reviewed
A study by The Royal Veterinary College’s canine epilepsy clinic has revealed the testing of canine anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs)...

To Brexit or not to Brexit
With only four weeks to go to the referendum it is difficult to know how much progress has been made...

Let’s talk about depression
“Within the veterinary profession we have very much a ‘can do’ attitude to things. We are used to fixing problems...

Of course we should do more about brachycephalic dogs
Imagine the scenario – incessant panting, inability to breathe normally through the nose, anxiety due to discomfort, inability to exercise...

We constantly hear that we must have CHOICES. Choice as to which doctor to use, to which school to send...