
VOA plans intra-articular day course
Dr Ross Allan will be co-ordinating the course. The day will provide ‘hands on’ training. The Veterinary Osteoarthritis Alliance (VOA)...

Big Wasp Survey seeks citizen scientists
Since the survey started in 2017, 3,389 participants have taken part, collecting over 62,000 wasps. The study aims to learn...

Domestic abuse support service appeals for more dog fosterers
Volunteers for the charity have fostered 211 dogs so far this year. Dogs Trust’s Freedom Project has seen demand grow...

Webinar planned on mobile sheep dipping code of practice
Changes have been made around the supplying of organophosphate to mobile contractors. The webinar will focus on changes to the...
SSPCA launches pack to help vets with welfare cases
“We’re delighted to now be able to offer this resource to support vets when they are part of a Scottish...

Heatwaves affect infected bees more, study reveals
The discovery has raised further discussion about how climate change and extreme weather might impact the pollination of crops. Bees...