
New Cx Congress details announced

New Cx Congress details announced

Dr Khan will deliver the keynote speech at Cx Congress 2020. Dr Amir Khan revealed as keynote speaker Veterinary training...

Industry Editor
Hero WWII dog receives PDSA Commendation

Hero WWII dog receives PDSA Commendation

Fellow bull terrier Billy recieved the award on Peggy’s behalf at a ceremony held at the Gordon Highlanders Museum, Aberdeen....

Blue Cross calls on volunteers to help foster small animals

Blue Cross calls on volunteers to help foster small animals

Blue Cross in Newport currently has a waiting list of 20 guinea pigs and rabbits. Charity desperately seeking help for...

Dog genome project makes first discovery

Dog genome project makes first discovery

Researchers have discovered a new genetic mutation that causes progressive retinal atrophy in Shetland sheepdogs. New DNA test to help...

Celebrity chefs urge public to get baking to support Cats Protection fundraiser

Celebrity chefs urge public to get baking to support Cats Protection fundraiser

Kim-Joy’s ginger biscuits include an ‘adopt don’t shop’ message in honour of her rescue cats, Inki and Mochi. Unique recipes...

Study provides solutions to staffing crisis in UK horse racing

Study provides solutions to staffing crisis in UK horse racing

Elizabeth Juckes led the study as part of a postgraduate dissertation towards a masters degree in Equine Science. Lack of...

Equine Editor