
Bova UK offers direct delivery service to support vets during COVID-19 pandemic

Bova UK offers direct delivery service to support vets during COVID-19 pandemic

The new service will allow products to be sent directly to clients, while the invoice will still be sent directly...

Industry Editor
Veterinary profession praised for COVID-19 response

Veterinary profession praised for COVID-19 response

The RSPCA is working tirelessly to maintain an emergency animal welfare service. RSPCA thanks veterinary staff for their continued support The...

Industry Editor
Volunteers sought to record mammal sightings in their gardens

Volunteers sought to record mammal sightings in their gardens

"Living with Mammals is something positive we can do at a difficult time." – David Wembridge, PTES. Wildlife charity urges...

Wildlife Editor
VN educators urged to defer practical assessments

VN educators urged to defer practical assessments

OSCEs are required for student vet nurses to complete their training. Examinations deemed unsafe under the current conditions The RCVS...

VNonline Editor
RSPCA urges local authorities to reduce restrictions on dog walkers

RSPCA urges local authorities to reduce restrictions on dog walkers

The RSPCA is also encouraging dog walkers to keep their pets on a lead at this time, to limit contact...

Diagnostics firm reports no COVID-19 cases in pets

Diagnostics firm reports no COVID-19 cases in pets

The results align with current understanding that COVID-19 is primarily spread from human-to-human. Study supports recommendation against testing pets for...