
RCVS updates COVID-19 guidance for veterinary professionals
The updated flowchart reflects the developing situation and latest guidance from the UK government. Changes reflect developing situation and latest...

Blowfly risk rises to ‘medium’ in southern England
"Strike risk typically changes very slowly at the start of the season". Warmer weather triggers NADIS alert system. The risk...

Questions sought for new JSAP webinar series
Questions can be submitted to the BSAVA. Authors to discuss key findings of their papers. Members of the profession are...

Fresh warning over dogs in hot cars amid lockdown easing
"We would urge owners to only travel if they can ensure their dog can be kept cool" – Bill Lambert,...

Study highlights impact of climate change on freshwater fish
Scientists set out to see if living in warm water could affect cold-blooded freshwater fish. Rising water temperature could affect...

Cats may transmit COVID-19 to other cats, study suggests
The findings suggest cats may be capable of becoming infected with the virus when exposed to people or other cats...