
New 10 year plan launched to help protect honey bees

New 10 year plan launched to help protect honey bees

The Healthy Bees Plan 2030 was developed in consultation with bee health stakeholders. Defra publishes key outcomes to improve bee...

Wildlife Editor
Expert Review Group calls for tougher restrictions on fireworks in Scotland

Expert Review Group calls for tougher restrictions on fireworks in Scotland

The Firework Review Group’s report follows a public consultation which recieved overwhelming support regarding changes to firework laws. Minister supports...

Industry Editor
New website launched to help farm vets cope with stress

New website launched to help farm vets cope with stress

The website was developed as a result of feedback from staff working in farm animal practice. Project addresses poor levels...

Moredun receives funding boost for ‘Smart Sheep Project”

Moredun receives funding boost for ‘Smart Sheep Project’

The Sheep Smart Project aims to develop user-friendly tools to drive the uptake of Precision Livestock Farming. Researchers to develop...

BVA launches #GreenTeamVet campaign to support sustainability

BVA launches #GreenTeamVet campaign to support sustainability

A 2019 BVA survey found that 89 per cent of vets would like to play a more active role in...

Industry Editor
'Sloped backs' affect movement of German shepherds, study suggests

‘Sloped backs’ affect movement of German shepherds, study suggests

The study revealed that German shepherd dogs support more weight on their forelimbs. Researchers assess the impact of body shape...