
Dogs Trust Freedom Project launches in East Anglia
"We’ve already been able to help 20 dogs and their owners escape from domestic abuse." Sarah Rowe, Freedom Project. Service...

Scottish SPCA launches manifesto for animals ahead of Holyrood election
"Animal welfare transcends political views and in the run-up to the election we will be campaigning hard to get cross-party...

NOAH welcomes Budget support measures
Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced an array of support measures to support business as the UK eases out of lockdown. “We...

Charities call for Europe-wide ban on wild animals in circuses
"A Europe-wide ban is needed to free circus animals from their chains and cages, and end circus abuse in Europe...

Vetpol launches pharmacy manager course for practices
Caroline Johnson,director of Vetpol. Course will cover sourcing, supply and safe handling of veterinary medicines. A new online course to...

BSAVA updates Endoscopy Manual with new video resources
The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endoscopy and Endosurgery, Second Edition now contains 48 guidance videos for vets. Eight new...