
Government-backed campaign urges public to ‘give seals space’
The UK is home to 38 per cent of the entire world’s population of grey seals. Consideration when out walking...

National Pet Month gets underway
The theme of this year’s event is Pets and People: Caring for Each Other. Event will focus on the five...

‘Diamond geezers and geezelles’ sought for BEVA’s 60th anniversary
BEVA is celebrating its diamond anniversary in 2021. Nominations open for the top 60 faces of the equine veterinary profession. The...

Petition launched to stop importation of honeybees via NI
The BBKA says the risk to the UK bee population from small hive beetle would be very great. Concerns raised...

Compulsory poultry housing restrictions lifted
The risk of avian influenza with good bisecurity has been reduced to ‘low’. Birds keepers must maintain strict biosecurity measures...

Avian influenza confirmed in Lancashire
This case of HPAI H5N8 was confirmed in two captive peregrine falcons on a non-commercial premises. No disease control zones...