
Study finds link between rising sika deer populations and bovine TB infections in Ireland
"Now, when attempting to manage TB in wildlife, sika deer will need to be considered as well as badgers." Dr...

Survey shows growing awareness of the benefits of vet medicines
"We are delighted to see great support for our UK farmers and vets in this survey." Dawn Howard, NOAH. 73...

MMI extends deadlines for research grants and symposium abstracts
The Sarah Brown Mental Health Research Grant funds projects that focus on the mental health and wellbeing of the veterinary...

Pet owners urged to have their say in legislative reform consultation
"The views of the animal-owning public are vital for this consultation" – RCVS president, Dr Mandisa Greene. Feedback will impact how...

UK EHV-1 risk ‘nearing normal levels’
EHV-1 spreads among horses through close contact and coughing. British Equestrian issues update following the outbreak in Europe. British Equestrian...

Researchers create inside-out ‘mini guts’ to aid poultry research
The mini-guts are the first of their kind to naturally include cells from the immune system. 3D model will support...