
Nominations open for 2021 BVA Young Vet of the Year

Nominations open for 2021 BVA Young Vet of the Year

The award is open to registered vets in the first eight years of their career that are also BVA members. Award...

Industry Editor
Moredun animation explains ectoparasites of sheep

Moredun animation explains ectoparasites of sheep

Stop the Creeps on Sheep explains the four main ectoparasites of sheep and how to prevent them. Short video explores...

BEVA Trust launches appeal for volunteers

BEVA Trust launches appeal for volunteers

BEVA Trust clinics provide dental care, farriery, worming, microchipping, passports and castration. Popular welfare and education clinics are set to...

Equine Editor
Vets save dog with rare mouth tumour

Vets save dog with rare mouth tumour

Nell is said to be recovering well after her operation. Labrador Nell is recovering well after surgery to remove malignant...

Vets respond to government's TB control strategy

Vets respond to government’s TB control strategy

The BCVA has objected to plans that recently-issued badger control licenses could drop from four years to two. Plans suggest that...

Concerns over release of new Dalmation film

Concerns upon release of new Dalmation film

Fears have been raised over the release of Disney’s Cruella. Kennel Club fears Cruella could lead to a surge in...