
Zoology student Wins Bafta

Just seven years after his graduation, a Zoology student from The University of Nottingham is forging an award winning career...

Pesticides Involved in Wildlife Poisoning

Details of the 159 suspected poisoning incidents investigated by the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS) in Scotland last year have...

Bee Disease Outbreak

An outbreak of American Foulbrood (AFB), a disease affecting honeybees, has been found in an apiary in West Lothian, Scotland....

New Expert Joins Nottingham Uni

Sharon Redrobe (picture above with a macaw) has joined the University of Nottingham. An acknowledged expert on wild and exotic...

Irish Hares and the Modern Farming

Research from Queen’s University Belfast has revealed the 20th century decline in the Irish hare population is almost certainly associated...

Climate Change Affecting Species

Migratory species such as turtles and whales are exceptionally vulnerable to climate change, according to preliminary findings from a forthcoming...