
Increase in Badger Crime

Statistics recently released by the RSPCA show a rise in reports of badger crime to Britain’s biggest animal welfare charity....

Rhino Horn Exports to be Prevented

Animal Health will refuse nearly all future applications for the export of rhinoceros horn after the agency detected a worrying...

BVA Supports World Rabies Day

The BVA is supporting World Rabies Day by once again urging UK veterinary surgeons to raise their staff and clients’...

TB Consultation Welcomed by BVA

Jim Paice, Agricultural Minister. (Photo courtesy of DEFRA) The veterinary profession has warmly welcomed the launch of the Defra consultation...

Concern Over Use of Statistics

Wales’ Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Christianne Glossop, has written to the Chairman of the Badger Trust to express her concerns...

Consultation on TB Launched

Welsh Rural Affairs Minister Elin Jones has launched a consultation on a draft legislative order to control TB in camelids,...