
Study highlights additional benefits of strip grazing

Study highlights additional benefits of strip grazing

"We believe this finding could be useful when deciding if and how those prone to laminitis should have access to...

Industry Editor
Cats Protection appoints new Chair of Trustees

Cats Protection appoints new Chair of Trustees

"By harnessing the talent among our volunteers and staff, we hope to help more cats and the people that love...

VetPartners continues expansion into Spain

VetPartners continues expansion into Spain

VetPartners owns practices across Spain, Switzerland, France, Germany and Italy. The UK-based group has acquired Alianza Petsalud. VetPartners has announced...

Industry Editor
Endangered lion gets CAT scan

Endangered lion gets CAT scan

Asiatic lions are Endangered so keeping Bhanu healthy is essential, as he’s an important member of the European-wide breeding programme...

Wildlife Editor
Animal welfare charites react to horse whip review

Animal welfare charities react to horse whip review

“It’s difficult not to conclude that these rule changes are about ‘optics’ not welfare" – Emma Slawinski, RSPCA. The BHA has...

Equine Editor
Dog faeces a 'significant part' of fox diets, study finds

Dog faeces a ‘significant part’ of fox diets, study finds

Researchers discovered that dog faeces have a similar calorific content to the foxes’ natural prey – but are far easier...

Wildlife Editor