
Study reveals extent of suboptimal vaccination practice in sheep

Study reveals extent of suboptimal vaccination practice in sheep

Just 7.7 per cent of UK sheep farmers were able to correctly identify the correct location for intramuscular vaccination administration....

Industry Editor
ISFM reveals feline congress details

ISFM reveals feline congress details

Dr Nathalie Dowgray, head of ISFM. The annual event is taking place online for a third time. Details of the...

VetPartners announces expansion into Ireland

VetPartners announces expansion into Ireland

VetPartners has acquired Westgate Veterinary Hospital in Drogheda. The York-based group also owns practices across Europe. VetPartners has announced the...

Industry Editor
Giant rabbits 'bred to be eaten' rescued from allotment

Giant rabbits ‘bred to be eaten’ rescued from allotment

The biggest rabbit weighed in excess of 8kg. The rabbits are now in the care of the RSPCA. Dozens of...

Exotics Editor
Beavers to be given legal protections in England

Beavers to be given legal protections in England

The new legislation is scheduled to come into effect in the autumn. The Wildlife Trusts has welcomed the new legislation....

Wildlife Editor
Views sought on 'Under Care' guidance

Views sought on ‘Under Care’ guidance

All veterinary professionals are being asked to share their opinions on the proposed reforms. The RCVS has launched a professional...

Industry Editor