Clinical Abstracts

Is it time to regulate the breeding of cats?
“There is no legislation regarding the breeding of cats as there is with dogs. In your opinion, why is this?”...

Are we doing enough about brachycephalic dogs?
Some challenging questions have been raised in recent weeks about brachycephalic dogs. Is enough being done? What should be done?...

New Addison’s drug transfer guidelines available
Successful trials prompt protocol publication The new treatment for canine hydrocorticism is now available in the UK. Despite being widely...

Government halts plans to introduce ‘anti-lobbying clause’
Plans to introduce a new 'anti-lobbying clause' in government grant agreements have been stalled following concerns that it could prevent...

Spring cleaning and the risk of hantavirus
So far this year, Colorado has already seen one fatal case of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), according to a report...

The problem with hugging dogs
A recent blog post on Psychology Today urged people not to hug their dogs, as a small study of internet...

How safe is our pet food?
In recent years the raw food diet has received a great deal of attention from owners and industry experts. Advocates...