Clinical Abstracts

The role of veterinary surgeons in protecting animals in transit
Most farm animals are transported during their lives – between units or to slaughter. Some journeys are relatively short. Others...

Equine intravenous catheters and thrombophlebitis
Intravenous catheters are commonly used in equine practice. However, this can lead to complications such as thrombus and thrombophlebitis. Registered...

Neonatal kid care – birth to four weeks
Whether rearing goats commercially or in the back garden, the same basic tenets apply to the care of the neonatal...

Ketosis in dairy herds
I struggle to remember the last time I treated an uncomplicated case of clinical ketosis. Farmers are more likely to...

Harnessing advances in genetics to improve canine health
It has become more apparent in recent years that dogs – especially their genetics – play a major role in...

Treating the older rabbit
Standards of care are increasing in rabbits now to the point where many will live for 10 years – and...