Clinical Abstracts

The rise of the cat café
Ever since the launch of Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium in London, cat cafés have been springing up across the...

Mastitis therapy – some new approaches
Mastitis remains one of the most important endemic diseases of dairy herds. Treatment of mastitis typically accounts for the largest...

Rats – care and housing considerations
Rats are highly intelligent animals that, despite their reputation for being dirty and unattractive, are clean and sociable and can...

TB testing in camelids: voluntary options
Camelids have gained much in popularity over the past decade. However, with their rise to fame it has come to...

Dentistry – need and delivery
Dental and oral conditions are a very common finding in small animal practice. The term ‘dental disease’ covers a long...

Home visiting service for cats – could it work for your practice?
In recent years there has been a trend amongst feline practitioners towards home visits, especially for palliative or end-of-life care....

Health and safety in an equine veterinary practice
Health and safety legislation applies to all organisations, including veterinary practices. However, many businesses – irrespective of their type or...