Clinical Abstracts

Sheep lameness
Sheep lameness is an animal welfare issue that needs to be addressed in such a way that it will also...

The current pattern of small animal poisoning
Whilst recognising that the Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS) only receives enquiries on the things that you choose to call...

An inconvenient truth
Euthanasia is an area of veterinary practice where quality of life assessment and ethical decision-making come to the fore, and...

Paracetamol toxicity in cats
Paracetamol – alone or in combination with other substances – accounts each year for approximately four per cent of total...

Are you up to speed on your computer security?
The recent cyber attack which so badly affected the NHS has given us all food for thought and it is...

Account and accountability
As veterinary surgeons, we are accountable – morally or legally – in many ways. Being accountable involves being required to...

Veterinary physiotherapy in the management of hip dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a common developmental disorder, primarily seen in medium to larger breeds of dog. It causes pain and...