Clinical Abstracts

To treat or refer? Colic assessment and decision-making
Colic is one of the most common equine emergencies seen in general practice. In any one year, approximately four out...

What would we do without part-time workers?
Part-time working has changed significantly from the time when the part-timer was almost seen as the second class worker. Today...

From clicks to clients
Many veterinary practices use social media to market their services; but ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ are difficult to measure and its...

A lifetime of veterinary nursing
The retirement of one of the UK’s longest-serving RVNs was reported by Vet Times in May. Jan Stevenson, who qualified...

Flexible working and equal pay – focus on female workers
With women accounting for almost 60 per cent of practising veterinary surgeons and over 80 per cent of students enrolling...

Embracing the concept of failure
Noel Fitzpatrick's interesting and insightful message at the VET Festival 2018 was that vets should embrace the concept of failure...

On-farm management of zoonoses
In this article, some aspects of zoonotic diseases will be discussed, with emphasis on how management of these diseases fits...