Clinical Abstracts

An insect diet is not just for humans
Humans have eaten insects since prehistoric times, these invertebrates provided a good source of protein where food was a scarce...

First opinion or last resort?
I am a first-opinion veterinary surgeon. I am passionate about pets and people. I am incredibly skilled and knowledgeable....

More countries join the non-stun slaughter ban
New legislation banning the slaughter of animals without prior stunning came into effect in the Flanders region of Belgium on...

Mastitis management
The BCVA antimicrobial resistance statement of December 2016 stated the need to reduce the overall amount of antibiotics used in...

Foxy business
The RSPCA was recently called to a home in Mitcham by a surprised family who had found a young fox...

How can equine strangles research help humans?
There are far more similarities than differences when comparing animal and human biology. However, scientific research is typically either medical-...

Using CT scanning to facilitate and enhance diagnosis in practice
With its speed and superior 3D image reconstruction, CT imaging is revolutionising veterinary diagnostics. It is becoming much more widely...