Clinical Abstracts
Paper versus plastic
In 2014 7.6 billion bags were given away to customers by England's seven largest supermarkets. This is the equivalent of...
Headshaking – an update
Horses may shake their heads for a variety of reasons including external irritation from parasites such as flies; badly fitting...
The domestic cat – an oxymoron
Cats, large or small, wild or domesticated, are hunters, it's in their nature and a normal part of their behaviour....
Challenges of a Shetland practice
I came to live in the Shetland Islands in 1985. My husband, Jim, and I qualified from the Royal (Dick)...
Still a long way to go
A combined BVA / Dogs Trust news release last week reported that French bulldogs and pugs top the list of dog...
Periodontal disease – understanding, planning, prevention
Periodontal disease is the most common infectious disease encountered by a small animal practitioner, yet it is often overlooked. Studies...
Prevention of allergic skin disease in horses
Managing allergic skin disease is often a challenging and frustrating experience for both practitioner and owner. While in the author’s...