
The games, toys and hobbies which do not mix with animals
In the months after Christmas, there is likely to be an excess of toys, games and general kit for hobbies...

Nutritional advice within veterinary practice
Nutrition is a vital factor in the health and wellbeing of patients, however, this is a complex and wide ranging...

New project trials drones to monitor giraffe populations in Cameroon
Modern technologies can be used to more accurately measure endangered species populations and guide conservation action. Collaboration to bolster wildlife...

Conservationists welcome new protections for seabirds
The Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast is home to species such as the pied avocet. Plans include new and extended special...

Nursing patients with long-term conditions – communication and collaboration
Helen Ballantyne explains why a nursing care plan is an essential tool when nursing patients with long-term conditions, and how...

New DNA testing scheme for Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
An estimated 75 per cent of dogs with two copies of the JADD gene variant will develop the disease. Test...