
Small furries still misunderstood, says charity

Small furries still misunderstood, says charity

Basic care mistakes are still being made, such as housing pets with the wrong species and providing the wrong housing...

Update on primates as pets inquiry

Update on primates as pets inquiry

RSPCA and BVA support a UK ban on keeping primates as pets. Government responds to calls from MPs to find out...

Clinical approach to common avian emergencies

The initial management of avian emergencies…...

Tom Dutton
Zoos prevent extinction for many amphibians and reptiles

Zoos prevent extinction for many amphibians and reptiles

The striking morelet’s leaf frog is rapidly disappearing as its forest habitat is destroyed. BIAZA release list of species staving...

Fish species respond differently to noise

Fish species respond differently to noise

Increased shipping traffic has led to a rise in noise levels in many aquatic environments. Study highlights the impacts of...

Study reveals fish form friendships

Study reveals fish form friendships

Fish guide their friends to hidden patches of food A study led by the University of St Andrews has revealed...