Researchers finds Ice Age animal refuge
Snow Leopards live in the Altai-Sayan region. Conditions in region have change little in 12,000 years study says Scientist have...
New blood test for deadly snake disease
IBD affects snakes in captivity, as well as those sold as pets. Scientists introduce a screening method for IBD A...
The island where an endangered species thrives
Red Squirrels have been found to be thriving on the Isle of Arran. Survey find no traces of deadly disease...
Golden eagle could become national symbol
Just 431 pairs of golden eagles remain in Scotland. Campaign looks to raise the profile of persecuted species A campaign...
Winter Olympics urged to drop dolphins from relay
Wildlife charities have expressed concern at plans to include Black Sea bottlenose dolphins in the Sochi Winter Olympics Wildlife charity...
New type of river dolphin is discovered
An Amazon river dolphin – now scientists say they have discovered a new species, for the first time in nearly...