
Conservation science centre launched by RSPB
The RSPB will be studying while numbers of turtle doves are in decline. Initiative dedicated to saving threatened bird species The...

Salmonella warning issued to reptile handlers
In the last eight months, at least four cases of salmonella infection in Forth Valley have been linked to bearded...

Badger cull report findings leaked to media
The findings of an independent panel have been leaked and reported by the BBC. Pilots failed on effectiveness and humaneness,...

Birds under threat of extinction from fire ants
Fire ants are the latest threat that could lead to the extinction of the Tahiti monarch Appeal launched to ensure...

Scientists predict impacts of invasive species
Largemouth bass Research breakthrough uncovers behaviour characteristics Scientists may now be able to predict the ecological impact of invasive species...

Orang-utan death could signal new zoonotic parasite
The death of an orang-utan at Milwauke Zoo could be due to a new zoonotic parasite scientists have warned. Rapid...