
Gloucestershire badger cull ends

Gloucestershire badger cull ends

Last year’s culls failed on humaneness and effectiveness. No official figures on the number of badgers culled Badger cull pilots...

Amphibians wiped out by emerging viruses

Amphibians wiped out by emerging viruses

The common midwife toad, common toad and alpine newt were the worst affected. New study shows species devastation caused in...

Wildlife Editor
RSPCA prepares for influx of terrapins

RSPCA prepares for influx of terrapins

The release of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie in the 1990s led to a craze for buying terrapins....

Exotics Editor
Evolution of prehistoric crocodiles mirrored in modern species

Evolution of prehistoric crocodiles mirrored in modern species

The development of the prehistoric crocodile mirrors those of today’s crocodiles Researchers discover interesting parallels between groups of ancient crocodiles...

Wildlife Editor
What drives consumption of bat bushmeat?

What drives consumption of bat bushmeat?

In Ghana bat bushmeat functions as both substance and luxury food. Fruit bats are thought to be the most likely...

Wildlife Editor
Britain's rivers face invasion of European freshwater species

Britain’s rivers face invasion of European freshwater species

Quagga mussels found in Wraysbury river by David Aldridge. Freshwater species from south east europe have been found in Britain’s...

Wildlife Editor