
Welfare Concerns Over Tagging

The National Sheep Association has concerns over reports of ear damage caused by tagging lambs at a young age. NSA...

ARCH Launches Film About Haiti

The Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) has released a film about their work with animals in the wake of...

Welsh Badger Cull Halted

Veterinary associations have expressed their deep disappointment in the Court of Appeal judgement on the Welsh Assembly Government’s (WAG) plans...

Science at Heart of Annual BVA Dinner

Left to Right: Dr Christianne Glossop (Welsh Chief Veterinary Officer), Professor Bill Reilly (BVA President) and Elin Jones AM (Welsh...

EU Calls for Changes

Defra is making changes to the way farmers are paid for protecting the environment, after an EU audit of England’s...

Ten Days of Celebrations for Moredun

Moredun has had a very positive ten days with a string of announcements, awards and celebrations, including a visit by...