
Nearly one in 10 wild bees face extinction

Nearly one in 10 wild bees face extinction

Over a quarter of Europe’s wild bumblebee species face extinction. Experts call for urgent investment in research to protect bees...

Wildlife Editor
Mercury poses a threat to Arctic birds

Mercury poses a rising threat to Arctic birds

Concentrations of mercury in ivory gull feathers increased nearly 50-fold in 130 years. Contaminant may be the cause of ivory...

Wildlife Editor
UK's first hedgehog conservation area announced

UK’s first hedgehog conservation area announced

The Hedgehog Improvement Area aims to improve the region’s hedgehog population. Initiative developed in response to sharp fall in hedgehog...

Wildlife Editor
Chimps at risk from human disease

Chimps at risk from human disease

The study findings highlight the complex nature of zoonotic parasite transmission and stress the need for further studies.  Humans exposing...

Wildlife Editor
Over 1,000 new ocean fish species identified

Over 1,000 new ocean fish species identified

Newly-identified species include 122 new sharks and rays Over 1,000 new ocean fish species have been identified in the past...

Wildlife Editor
New insights on chameleon colour shifts

New insights on chameleon colour shifts

A deeper layer of iridophores with larger crystals reflects a substantial amount of sunlight. Vivid colour changes achieved through crystal...

Exotics Editor