
Saddle slip may indicate lameness

Saddle slip may indicate lameness New study shows significant link A new study has identified a significant link between hind...

EIA detected in Cornwall

EIA detected in Cornwall Defra confirmed case of equine infectious anaemia Defra has confirmed that a case of Equine Infectious...

Number of pigs decreasing in Wales

Number of pigs decreasing in Wales Number has more than halved in ten years The number of pigs in Wales...

Equine Viral Arteritis in Gloucestershire

Equine Viral Arteritis in Gloucestershire Defra confirmed the case on 4th October. Defra has confirmed that a stallion in Gloucestershire...

BVNA Congress gets going

BVNA Congress gets going Equine CPD day precedes Congress  The annual Congress of the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) commences...

Turkish Kangal dog recognised

Turkish Kangal dog recognised Kennel Club approval for breed The number of pedigree dog breeds recognised in the UK will...