
Votes are in for Britain's first Purr Minister

Votes are in for Britain’s first Purr Minister

Kevin, Britain’s first Purr Minister. Kevin is Westminster’s cat of the year The search for the top cat of Westminster...

Glasses help surgeons to see cancer cells

Glasses help surgeons to see cancer cells

The new high-tech glasses have been used during surgery for the first time. New technology could eliminate the need for...

New porcine virus reported in Ohio

New porcine virus reported in Ohio

Ten samples from four farms tested positive for a new virus. Coronavirus distinct from deadly PED discovered A new coronavirus...

"Hope" after pledges on illegal wildlife trade

“Hope” after pledges on illegal wildlife trade

Ethiopia, Chad, Botswana, Tanzania and Gabon have all agreed to suspend international ivory trade for a minimum of 10 years...

Badger cull should be delayed following flooding

Badger cull should be delayed following flooding

A decision over badger culling  should be delayed to review the outcome of the floods on badger numbers, a charity...

New insights into canine liver disease

New insights into canine liver disease

Researchers say the findings provide a base for developing new treatments. Researchers shed light on the causes of neurological abnormalities...