
Equine grass sickness confirmed in Guernsey

Equine grass sickness confirmed in Guernsey

Horse owners that are concerned about EGS have been advised to seek advice from their vet. Outbreak thought to be caused...

Views sought on proposed AHVLA policy

Views sought on proposed AHVLA policy

The AHVLA delivers Government policies relating to animal health and welfare. Agency sets out its approach to regulation Stakeholders have an...

Bob Partridge resigns from RCVS

Bob Partridge resigns from RCVS

Bob Partridge has been an elected member of the RCVS Council since 2006. Council member steps down for ‘personal reasons’ Bob...

President of BVA attacks bovine TB "misinformation"

President of BVA attacks bovine TB “misinformation”

BVA president Robin Hargreaves No evidence that badger vaccination a viable alternative to culling, he says  The president of the BVA,...

Hot topics to be debated at equine forum

Hot topics to be debated at equine forum

Delegates at the National Equine Forum can get up-to-date on equine research. Speakers discuss welfare, research and legislation at NEF...

Orang-utan death could signal new zoonotic parasite

Orang-utan death could signal new zoonotic parasite

The death of an orang-utan at Milwauke Zoo could be due to a new zoonotic parasite scientists have warned. Rapid...