
Ancient virus survives for 30,000 years

Ancient virus survives for 30,000 years

Pithovirus sibericum cross-section. Dating back 30,000 years, it is the largest virus ever discovered. Scientists discover a new type of...

Stem cell breakthrough benefits horse health

Stem cell breakthrough benefits horse health

Scientists have created working nerve cells from horse stem cells for the first time. Discovery could offer new treatments for...

Plans to tackle campylobacter

Plans to tackle campylobacter

Campylobacter is the biggest cause of food poisoning in the UK. Key organisations discuss practical methods to reduce food poisoning...


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Latest test results for lafora in dachshunds

Latest test results for lafora in dachshunds

Latest tests show 8 per cent of dachshunds were affected. Screenings show 42 per cent are carriers Recent screenings for...

Zebrafish study to help tackle human aggression

Zebrafish study to help tackle human aggression

Scientists from the University of Leicester hope to learn how to control human aggression by studying zebrafish. Scientists say fish...