Wildlife emergencies – what to expect at this time of year
At this time of year, many hedgehogs will be having second broods. In this article, Simon Cowell – CEO of...
Plans to ‘resurrect’ the woolly mammoth – fraught with controversy
If scientific techniques progress to the point where we could actually bring such a creature, should we? ...
Snow leopard removed from endangered list
The snow leopard is no longer listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. IUCN updates Red List of Endangered...
Rare white giraffes spotted in Kenya
Experts say the giraffes are likely to suffer from a genetic condition called leucism. Local communities baffled by sighting A...
Complex animals ‘lived half a billion years ago’
“These fossils are found in rock layers which actually pre-date the oldest fossils of complex animals." Fossil discovery sheds new...
Australian magpie ‘dunks’ food before eating
Food dunking is common in a range of bird species but has never been observed in the Austalian magpie before....