Woburn urged to answer questions on trophy hunters
The link with Woburn was discovered after BATH contacted the tour company, Limpopo Diana Hunting Tours. Charity releases evidence that...
Bats in Churches project gets off the ground
Loss of habitat has forced some bat species to take refuge in buildings such as historic churches. Funding boost to...
Hedgehog sightings mapped by county
"We’re asking anyone who sees a hedgehog to record their sightings on the BIG Hedgehog Map”. Public urged to improve...
British wildcat to return to the English-Scottish border
A Scottish wildcat kitten. Conservationists reveal plan to establish new population in Galloway Forest A plan to reintroduce the wildcat...
Bird of prey poisonings in Scotland at record low
The golden eagle was among the victims of disturbance cases. New figures reveal just one recorded incident in 2017 Bird...
Mystery hare deaths prompt concern
East Anglia is a stronghold for the brown hare, which has seen a national decline of 80 per cent in...