
Cairn terrier at risk from low birth rate
Just 492 cairn terrier puppies were registered in 2022. Number of puppies registered has significantly dropped. The historic cairn terrier...

Senior cat adoption falls, survey says
Older cats take three times longer than younger cats to be rehomed. Cats Protection asks potential cat owners to consider...

SSPCA asks public to help contain injured wildlife
The charity is asking people to contain some birds and small animals that need rescue. Public appeal as 10 per...

King awards OBE to World Horse Welfare chief
Roly Owers is a qualified veterinary surgeon and has been chief executive for World Horse Welfare since 2008. Roly Owers...

Public want legislation against puppy smuggling, poll shows
Puppy smuggling can be detrimental to the welfare of imported puppies. Research shows widespread concern about dog imports. A poll...

Owners urged to keep dogs away from blue-green algae
Blue-green algae can contain toxins that are potentially fatal to dogs when ingested. BVA’s advice follows recent reports of algal...