BVNA formally welcomes new president
Alex’s theme for the upcoming presidential year will be ‘building resilience’. Alex Taylor RVN will lead the organisation for 2021/22....
BVNA Award winners revealed at Congress
Pictured: Kirsty Cavill, winner of the BVNA Impact Award 2021. The awards ceremony took place at the Congress Dinner Dance....
Knowing your worth as a veterinary nurse
Are you willing to make the change? Fiona Andrew called on RVNs to challenge their thinking and develop reflective practice....
RVN gives talk on overseas work
RVN gives talk on overseas work...
Discussing the future of veterinary nursing
Imagining change: could the use of different imagery on websites and TV raise public awareness of the VN role? Delegates review...
Finalists revealed for 2021 BVNA Awards
Emma Foreman RVN has been named as a finalist for the VNJ Writer of the Year Award. “Let’s shout about how...