Abdominal ultrasound consensus statement published
The ACVR and ECVDI hope the statement will be used as a teaching tool.

ACVR and ECVDI hope the document will standardise the procedure.

A consensus statement for the standardisation of the abdominal ultrasound examination for dogs and cats has been published by the American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR) and European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI).

Written by the two organisation's joint committee, the consensus statement provides an illustrated guide to the views, movie clips, and measurements that should be taken for a complete abdominal ultrasound.

It also includes illustrated images for each organ and system, tables listing images and video clips which need to acquired, and recommendations on documentation, patient preparation and equipment.

The guidelines are designed to allow for consistent image quality across the veterinary sector as well as to help with interpretation. The ACVR and ECVDI hope it will be used as a teaching tool in practices, academia, and CPD.

Dr Gabi Seiler, corresponding author of the consensus statement, said: “It was helpful to have a committee of many radiologists with different backgrounds and different work environments, from academia to private practice and teleultrasonography.

“Every comment and suggestion was discussed by the committee – even if not included because our consensus opinion differed.”

To enable as many veterinary professionals as possible to read it, the consensus statement has been made open access in the journal Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound.