
Deep-diving seals protected by anti-inflammatory serum

Deep-diving seals protected by anti-inflammatory serum

Elephant seals can dive as far as 1,550m beneath the surface of the ocean. Researchers examine protective strategies of weddell...

Wildlife Editor
Vets and doctors treat dog’s rare brain malformation

Vets and doctors treat dog’s rare brain malformation

An MRI after four months showed the embolisation was intact and Crash’s condition was improving. German shepherd suffered intracranial arteriovenous...

Gene therapy restores hand function in rats with spinal cord injury

Gene therapy restores hand function in rats with spinal cord injury

Researchers gave the gene therapy to rats with spinal cord injuries that resembled the type humans develop after traumatic impacts....

Discovery offers hope for anti-cancer therapy

Discovery offers hope for anti-cancer therapy

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are created when the immune system overreacts to an allergen. Immunoglobulin E antibodies could fight cancer...

Pigs ‘could be a better model for human influenza’

Pigs ‘could be a better model for human influenza’

The results suggest that targeting the lower respiratory tract with aerosol vaccination could be more effective in preventing severe disease....

New cat virus could reveal insights about hepatitis B

New cat virus could reveal insights about hepatitis B

Until now, it was not known that companion animals could contract HBV. Discovery first step in developing vaccine to prevent...

New pig virus could be a threat to humans

New pig virus could be a threat to humans

The next step for researchers is to look for antibodies in the blood of humans, which would suggest the virus...

Biologists 'transfer’ memory from one snail to another

Biologists ‘transfer’ memory from one snail to another

David Glanzman holding a marine snail. Research could lead to new ways to restore lost memories Biologists at the University...

Sheep toxin could be linked to MS

Sheep toxin could be linked to MS

“There is a growing body of wider evidence that points to a hypothesis linking MS and ETX". Discovery could lead...

Human anti-cancer drugs could help Tasmanian devils

Human anti-cancer drugs could help Tasmanian devils

Tasmanian devils are considered endangered as a result of devil facial tumour 1. RTKs have ‘an important role’ in sustaining...